If you live with fibromyalgia, you know the struggle is real. The pain is hard to imagine unless you live with this illness. Even on those days that seem manageable to those around you, you might be struggling to tie your shoes, put on that jacket, or cut your dinner plate.
It is because of these challenges that those of us living with fibromyalgia typically have a medicine cabinet full of pills to help manage the pain. I have been looking into more natural ways to help alleviate some of the pain of this illness. I know some of the natural alternatives might not be a complete substitute for prescribed medicines, but I will take any helpful relief that is out there while trying to minimize the risk.
There are several potential natural relief ideas that could help soothe the discomfort you are currently facing with fibromyalgia. Many of these natural therapies are focused on common symptoms people with fibromyalgia tend to face – and if they can ease those symptoms, you have more relief. Individuals with fibromyalgia are likely to be sensitive to heat. A warm bath can provide soothing relief. Simply soak in the tub for 15 minutes. Heat can also be applied as a lotion. Try massaging part of your painful area with cream.
The active ingredient in the cream comes from the peppers and blocks substances within the nerves and triggers the feeling of pain. If the cream irritates your skin, stop using it. Another helpful method is applying heat. If a warm bath is not your thing, wrap yourself in a heated blanket or use one of the many heat wraps on the market.
Fibromyalgia is a chronic condition that is associated with widespread muscle pain and fatigue. Currently, there is no cure for fibromyalgia, but there are numerous treatments available. Treatments are aimed at reducing or minimizing symptoms. Pain management is the most common reason that someone with fibromyalgia will seek medical care.
Natural treatments are gaining in popularity due to their effectiveness and minimal side effect profile. How to reduce fibromyalgia pain naturally Natural treatments include health maintenance, natural remedies, and avoiding treatments that worsen symptoms. This chapter will review some of the principles involved in natural remedies for fibromyalgia pain management.
Pain is the most common reason that people seek medical attention. An estimated seventy-five to eighty-five percent of primary care visits are for reported pain. In association with fibromyalgia, pain is the most common reason for initial and recurrent visits to a physician.
Fibromyalgia is derived from the Latin word “fibro” (fibrous tissue), the Greek words “myo” (muscle) and “algia” (pain). The optimal treatment for fibromyalgia combines patient education, self-care, and a physician-based exercise and medication program.
There are a few home remedies that can help soften fibromyalgia pain. Treating fibromyalgia at home is important to follow a treatment plan set by the doctor, which may include, apart from medication: 1) avoiding consuming caffeine-containing beverages 2) using massage, acupuncture, and other relaxation techniques 3) participating in individualized psychotherapy and physiotherapy sessions.
To control the symptoms of fibromyalgia, it is important to change the lifestyle by eating a healthy diet, using acupuncture, and going to relaxation treatments or yoga. It should be noted that there are very few controlled investigations that support these treatments.
Note that the choice of a specific method and its effectiveness should be discussed with the physician. If the patient has an unattended outlet, it is important to inform the doctor before any unusual treatment or herbal supplementation is taken. A combination of treatments is generally the most effective for fibromyalgia.
It should be noted that no sure home treatment for fibromyalgia is provided; however, the following remedies and self-care habits can help them feel better: the regular practice of gentle exercises such as yoga, treatment massages, and energy work with a therapist trained in traditional medicine.
Acupuncture treatments limit stress in psychological aspects. Measures that help prevent stress can have a positive impact on the adaptation of pain perception. Find a registered organization that proposes relaxation treatments. In medicine, patients are taught different relaxation techniques, including visualization and progressive relaxation, to decrease their stress levels and improve health and well-being.
All fibromyalgia and CFS patients should maintain a high-quality diet, but certain supplements and nutrients may help these patients feel better, faster. Many researchers and practitioners believe that these diseases share some risk factors and may appear together in some patients.
Consider a “sub-therapeutic” dose, like 1/4-1/3 of the normal dose, and note the slow response (but this rarely gives adverse symptoms!). Common doses: try 1-2 tablets or single-use of the granulate or fluid instead of the 3-6 tablets some suggest. The low-dose approach is especially sufficient in using amino acids, but never use amino acids or protein supplements without checking with an experienced practitioner, as the amino acid interactions are very complex. Remember to take one supplement at a time to be sure about any interactions.
Pain Reducers
Despite the media scare and the very rare side effect, SAM-e may be extremely helpful for pain relief. You should not take it if you are bipolar, as it can cause mania, but some doctors feel that SAM-e enhances mood and focus almost as much as those dangerous drugs do. Another approach to pain relief is injections with vitamin B12 and other specific nutrients.
Sleep Enhancers
Melatonin is a potent sleep enhancer for some people but makes others sleep very poorly. These differences seem to be genetically determined, so try a low dose (1/8-1 mg) in the evening and increase it only if there is no positive response. L-tryptophan (preferable) or 5-hydroxytryptophan are the precursors of melatonin and seem to be as efficient as high levels of melatonin for sleep, with even fewer side effects. Four grams of inositol may be helpful. Some consider magnesium supplementation if the diet gives you less than one major dietary source every day to prevent mineral deficiency.
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There are several physical therapies and exercise programs that have been proven effective in the treatment of the pain of fibromyalgia. These treatments are an important part of the total treatment program for fibromyalgia.
Physical therapies improve the flow of blood and nutrients to the muscles and connective tissues, increase flexibility and strength, decrease the number of tender points, and decrease the feeling of sluggishness common in fibromyalgia. The right amount of exercise is a perfect prescription for the relief of pain, but the wrong amount can make pain worse. The key is to start with sensible exercises that are the right level of intensity for you.
Aerobic exercise is the type of exercise that has been found to decrease the pain of fibromyalgia. Aerobic exercises that are the least stressful on your joints are the best. The best exercises are swimming, cycling, and low-impact aerobics. Start with a low level of participation in low-impact aerobic exercises. In fact, only about half of those suffering from fibromyalgia can exercise at a level that will be beneficial to them.
Begin exercising as soon as you are ready after a flare or onset of symptoms. Your body will tell you the right level of exercise by the way it reacts. If you exercise too hard too early, your body will feel sore, achy, and more fatigued. It is important to ease into exercises, especially if you have not been active.
Mind-body practices and stress management training include a group of various techniques that focus on managing stress and promoting relaxation. This is a common group of complementary and alternative treatments used by people with fibromyalgia to gain control over stress, a known trigger of the symptoms in susceptible individuals. Stress management has the potential to help those with fibromyalgia achieve a more balanced life, thus reducing fibromyalgia-associated pain.
It is important to remember that fibromyalgia is a complex body condition, thus using the combination of these natural methods, as well as other traditional approaches like medications and physical therapy, is ideal to optimize greater wellness and symptom control.
Mind-body practices such as biofeedback, guided imagery, yoga, acupuncture, and tai chi attempt to combine concentration, physical movements, and breathing techniques to increase self-awareness and relaxation. Then there are stress management practices that include various relaxation techniques, hypnotherapy, and cognitive behavioral therapy that assist in identifying the individual stresses and influencing behavior to reduce these stressful situations.
Mindfulness meditation focuses on the individual providing self-focus, and as a result, increases attention to sensations, emotions, and thoughts without judging them. Mind-body and stress management techniques are significantly helpful in reducing fibromyalgia-associated pain.