This article discusses all that is involved in how to lose weight by running.
Running is a trendy kind of exercise. It is estimated that over 64 million individuals in the United States alone have run at least once in the last year. Running is also associated with many health advantages and is one of the most effective forms of exercise for weight loss.
Types of Running
Before discussing how to lose weight by running, it is essential to understand many types of running styles. Each of these styles has its distinct purpose and advantages.
These are the most often seen types:
Base runs: This is what the majority of people refer to as a regular run. They are short-to-moderate-distance runs of about 6 miles (10 kilometers) in duration and are completed at your speed.
Long runs: Extended versions of base runs completed at the same speed but over a distance of about 10–12 miles (15–20 kilometers). They contribute to the general improvement of your fitness and endurance.
Interval runs: These are brief, vigorous runs performed many times with short rest periods in between. For instance, five × 0.5 mile runs separated by 1/4 mile (400 meters) of moderate jogging. These runs will improve your running strength and speed.
Hill repeats: This is just like Interval runs but is performed uphill. For instance, ten one-minute hill repeated race. They improve your running ability and speed while also increasing your stamina.
Recovery runs: These refer to slow runs performed after strenuous runs, such as hill repeats to add distance to your entire run.
Progression runs: These replicate competition-style runs by beginning slowly and increasing the speed toward the end. They improve endurance, speed, and fatigue resistance.
Running Consumes More Calories than Most Exercises
To lose weight, you must burn away more calories than you consume, which exercise can help you accomplish.
Running is an excellent choice since it burns more calories than most other forms of exercise because it demands many muscles to perform in unison. High-intensity interval training (HIIT), including running, burns the most calories per minute by using various muscles to their total capacity.
The assertion that running burns more calories than other workouts are backed by studies. For instance, a study involving 12 men and 12 women determined how many calories got consumed running 1 mile (1,600 meters) versus walking the same distance on a treadmill and a track. According to the findings: running one mile on the treadmill burned 33 calories more than walking, while running one mile on the way expended 35 calories more than walking. Harvard University researchers examined the calories expended over 30 minutes by individuals of three different weights and found comparable results. They found that a person weighing 155 pounds (70 kilograms) could burn 372 calories in 30 minutes when jogging at a moderate speed of 6 miles per hour (10 km per hour). This is the same number of calories burned by vigorous swimming and martial arts and even more than a 30-minute game of basketball.
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High-Intensity Running Do Not Stop Burning Calories Even After the Exercise
While engaging in any kind of exercise consistently can help you lose weight, only a few kinds of exercise will still be burning calories after you stop exercising.
Running at a high effort, such as hill repeats or intervals, may continue to burn calories for up to forty-eight hours after your workout.
These workouts work a variety of muscles and need more energy to recuperate. This is often called the “afterburn effect” in the fitness world.
Numerous studies have shown that the “afterburn effect” may result in substantial increases in calorie burn over time. In one research, ten men cycled for 45 minutes at a high intensity to determine how many calories they burnt and how long after the exercise. During the activity, the average participant burned 519 calories, with an extra 190 calories burned over the course of the following 14 hrs.
Although the above example involves cycling, the “afterburn effect” also applies to high-intensity running. Cycling is just a handy method for quantifying calorie expenditure in controlled laboratory research.
Running at a high intensity reduces appetite and makes you eat less.
One of the major reasons why it is easy to lose weight by running is because running has the power to suppress your appetite! Numerous individuals attempt to reduce their calorie consumption by either eating less food or altering their diet.
Unfortunately, these methods often increase appetite and make weight loss more difficult. Numerous studies have shown that high-intensity jogging may help with this battle by decreasing your hunger after a workout. Although the precise mechanisms behind this reaction are unknown, high-intensity running may decrease appetite by inhibiting the hunger hormone – ghrelin and increasing the production of satiety hormones such as peptide YY (also called PYY).
Running for 60 minutes or weight training for 90 minutes decreased ghrelin levels in 11 males, compared to no activity… but only running resulted into higher ‘PYY’ output.
Another research examined the impact of 60 minutes of running vs. no exercise on ghrelin production in nine males. They discovered that jogging reduced ghrelin levels for three to nine hours longer than doing nothing.
Moderate-to-High Intensity Running Helps in Reducing Belly Fat
Excess abdominal fat is very detrimental to your health. Numerous studies demonstrate a link between abdominal obesity and an increased risk of developing heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and various other illnesses.
Studies have shown that moderate-to-intense aerobic activity, such as jogging, may help you lose belly fat even if you don’t change your diet.
Aerobic exercise decreased belly fat without requiring participants to alter their diet, according to a review of 15 trials involving 852 individuals. However, moderate-to-high intensity exercise was the most beneficial in reducing belly fat. Another research of 27 middle-aged women found that high-intensity running significantly decreased abdominal fat compared to low-intensity walking/running or no exercise.
Finally, a study of 45 healthy but inactive women discovered that doing high-intensity interval training three times per week substantially decreased body fat and belly fat compared to steady-pace exercise or no exercise.
Other Health Benefits Of Running
Running has been related to a variety of additional health benefits in addition to weight reduction. Let us discuss nine of such benefits.
1. Running adds more life to your years and more years to your life
Numerous studies have shown that running extends one’s life. This has resulted in the oft-repeated remark that “If exercise were a drug, it would be the world’s most popular pill.” Notable: It would also be the least costly, requiring little to no expenditure.
According to a 2018 meta-analysis of studies on running and lifespan, runners had an about 25% to 30% lower risk of all-cause death than non-runners. “Any quantity of running, even once a week, is preferable to no running,” it concluded.
Ball State University researchers discovered that a group of 75-year-old lifelong runners and cyclists (who had exercised for 50 years) had biochemical profiles similar to those of 25-year-old graduate students.
Another well-known study contrasted local runners in their mid-50s to non-exercising Stanford community residents who received the same high-quality medical care. Twenty-one years later, the mortality rate among runners was more than 50% lower.
3. Running promotes sleep.
Adequate sleep is vital. According to Johns Hopkins researchers, “we have strong evidence that exercise helps you fall asleep faster and enhances sleep quality.” According to a write up in the American Journal of Lifestyle Exercise, the exercise-sleep relationship is reciprocal. The more activity you get involved in, the more sleep you need. Additionally, the less sleep you get, the less inclined you are to exercise consistently.
3. Running is beneficial for your knees and back.
This is one of those runs that many find hard to believe. They argue that running is an impact sport, implying that it must be detrimental to the joints. Additionally, everyone is familiar with a few runners who experienced knee problems and were forced to turn to biking. True, but sedentary, out-of-shape people have, on average, greater knee and back issues than most runners.
4. Running strengthens your immune system.
An exercise scientist and 58-time marathon runner, David Nieman has spent the past 40 years studying the relationship between exercise and immunity.
According to him, moderate exercise increases immunity, while ultra-endurance activities may temporarily impair immunity.
Additionally, it was found that running may increase the body’s defenses against illness, reduce inflammation, alter the composition of the gut microbiota, decrease the risk of upper respiratory infections and influenza, and improve antibody response.
5. Running enhances cognitive function and slows the onset of cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s disease.
This is the most recent and surprising area of health s generated by running, but it makes perfect sense. Running accelerates the heart rate and increases blood flow thus helping to supply enough oxygen to the brain.
Running may enhance brain health by increasing the production of brain-derived neurotropic factor, as one meta-analysis discovered (BDNF). This protein promotes neuronal development and survival in the brain. Another research discovered that increased fitness increases the overall volume of the brain, including gray matter. Even if you begin running later in life, you get protection against the kind of brain plaques associated with cognitive decline and Alzheimer’s disease.
6. Running can decrease the chance of developing a variety of cancers.
According to a publication in one of the 2016 editions of the Journal of the American Medical Association, scientists found that exercisers with a high level of fitness, such as runners, had a reduced chance of getting 26 different types of cancer than those with a low level of fitness or those who did not exercise.
Numerous other studies have discovered comparable findings. Additionally, running is beneficial if you do get cancer. Regular exercise helps to mitigate the negative effects of tough therapies while also supporting you physically and emotionally. Additionally, it lowers cancer-related mortality and the risk of developing another kind of cancer.This article offers free shipping on qualified Face mask products, or buy online and pick up in store today at Medical Department
7. Running enhances mental wellness and helps alleviate depression.
Numerous runners participate in the sport in order to enhance their physical fitness. After a short while, these new runners often provide a different response to the question “Why do you run?” This is the response: “Because it makes me feel better.” They’re referring to emotions, mood, mental vigor, and having fewer blue days, among other things.
The data is strong in favor of this impact. Among other beneficial results, a 2016 meta-analysis of exercise and depression found the following conclusions: 1) Exercise is a “effective treatment” for depression; 2) Exercise is as effective as psychotherapy and prescription medications; and 3) Exercise “may serve as a substitute” for expensive and often difficult-to-find/schedule medical therapies.
8. Running improves glucose control and reduces the chance of developing diabetes and pre-diabetes.
High blood glucose levels, which often progress to diabetes, are a significant “side consequence” of the Western world’s obesity-overweight pandemic. Additionally, they threaten to reduce healthy life expectancies and to overburden the public health system (so many individuals; very high cost).
Running and other forms of intense exercise may significantly ameliorate this bleak perspective. According to the American Diabetes Association, exercise may help prevent or decrease Type 2 diabetes (which is usually precipitated by a sedentary lifestyle); and type 1 diabetes (largely caused by genetics). Additionally, it may help individuals with pre-diabetes from acquiring Type 2 diabetes.
9. Running helps you maintain a healthy blood pressure level.
In 2016, a global health index called the Global Burden of Disease released the findings of a study into a mind-boggling 388 distinct health hazards and their impact on human well-being. It discovered that elevated blood pressure was by far the most significant risk factor.
Running and other forms of moderate exercise have been shown to be an effective, non-drug-related method of lowering blood pressure. Which kind of running is most likely to result in a decrease in blood pressure? Previously, it was believed that steady, continuous exercises were the most beneficial. Recent study, however, has rebutted that assertion. This 2019 meta-analysis confirms the benefits of high-intensity interval training for blood pressure control.
What to Note If You intend to lose weight by running
Always remember to warm up before running. Not only is a warm-up necessary for running, but for many popular sports nowadays. Additionally, the setup is very straightforward and uncomplicated. You may twist your ankles, hands, and feet or run tiny steps in stationary… You should be able to begin running after approximately 5-10 minutes.
Keep correct posture. Running in the incorrect posture is not only inefficient for weight loss, but also increases your chance of injury when running. Correct posture, as advised by coaches, is one in which the back and head are straight, the eyes are ahead, and the body is fully relaxed. If you have a tendency of leaning forward or backwards, you should change it immediately since it reduces your running efficiency.
Swing your hand freely. Avoid obsessing about the time element; after a period of running, you will be able to balance running as much as necessary. Rather than that, concentrate on running mechanics, particularly how you swing your arms when running. Hands should follow the running steps of the legs precisely, with elbows creating a 90-degree angle at the waist. This posture promotes comfort while running and enables you to accelerate more quickly when moving.
Avoid maintaining a running pace. If you strongly desire to lose weight by running make sure you vary the intensity of your workout on a frequent basis during each training session. For instance, you may run slowly for the first 100 meters and then accelerate for the next 300 meters, or alternate between running, strolling, and speed running.
Your terrain is equally important. Your training terrain has a significant effect on leg endurance and influences the quality of your workout whenever you are out to lose weight by running. As a result, you should also alter the terrain’s difficulty level. Following a few days of running on a level track, you may practice ascending or descending stairs.
At the conclusion of the workout, take a walk. Avoid being hasty, since this entails many dangers. After about 30-40 minutes of running, a quick halt may damage joints throughout your body. Therefore, in the last 100 meters, you should progressively slow down and transition to walking. Additionally, you may spend the last ten minutes doing moderate movements that will assist your body in relaxing and your joints in gradually returning to normal.
Carry Water with you. In addition to the above, one critical point to remember is to always carry water with you while running to prevent dehydration. As you exercise, your body sweats heavily, and this quickly depletes the amount of water in your body. Hydration is critical for maintaining bodily health during lengthy runs.
How to Begin Your Journey to Lose Weight by Running
There are many running accessories available, but most novices can get by with the basic minimum.
This includes appropriate running shoes, a loose-fitting shirt, a water bottle, and running shorts, tights, or comfy trousers. It is appropriate for ladies wear sports bra when jogging to alleviate discomfort. Reflective clothing is also highly suggested if you intend to run in the early morning or late at night. This will assist in avoiding any mishaps.
Before you begin a running exercise, there are a few fundamentals you need understand:
To begin, aim for three to four days of running each week. This ensures enough recuperation time in between exercises.
Warm up and stretch: Prior to every running exercise, it is critical to warm up and stretch to prepare your body for the run. Begin with stretching, followed by five minutes of easy walking. After that, gradually graduate to a power walk.
At the conclusion of your run, ensure that you cool down with five minutes of walking, gradually increasing your pace as you go.
Total time: Aim for about 30 minutes. This contains a 5-minute warm-up, a 5-minute cool-down, and a 20-minute run/walk in between.
How to Maintain Motivation
Maintaining a consistent running routine may assist you in achieving long-term success with your weight reduction objectives.
The key to remaining motivated is to keep it enjoyable, since this will prevent you from making excuses to skip your exercise.
Maintain variety in your workouts by switching up your running route every few weeks or including various kinds of runs such as intervals or hill repeats. Running with a buddy who pushes you may help you stay accountable and offer additional security whenever you decide to run!
If you have trouble motivating yourself early in the day, prepare your running clothes the night before to save time in the morning.
Enrolling in marathons or other contests during a period of comfort may also offer additional incentive for running and help you stay focused.
Trying to lose weight by running is not an easy task, but if you stay motivated and you remain consistent; you will be surprised at the results!
Last Word
Running is a great weight-loss exercise. It burns away a lot of calories, may help you burn calories long after an exercise, may aid in appetite suppression, and targets dangerous belly fat.
Additionally, running offers many health advantages and is a very easy activity to begin. Unlike many other forms of exercise, running needs minimal equipment, can be done anywhere, and provides many opportunities for variety. If you’re having some difficulties in motivating yourself to lose weight by running, consider finding a jogging companion or switching up your routines regularly to keep your exercise interesting.