Seven Causes of Backsliding

Text:I Cor.  10:12, Jude 11:16
Generally speaking, backsliding means turning away from the Lord. It refers to growing cold, losing interest in the Lord, the Bible, church attendance, prayer, witnessing and turning to the world and the old way of life.  (I King  11: 9, Rev.  2:4).
There are many things that ultimately result into backsliding, as you know, “curse causeless shall not come”.

Causes Of Backsliding


II Tim.  4:10, Ex. 32: 4- 6, I John 2: 15 – 17, I Sam 8:5.
One of the major causes of backsliding is wanting to be like other “nations” in dressing, celebrations, conversations, and in marriage will take the Christian straight into the midst of the world. When Demas loved the world, he departed from God.

2.      LOVE OF MONEY.  

John 13:29, I Tim 6: 9-10.  
Another major causes of backsliding is that people are too desperate to get money. Reckless pursuit of money is sure to take any Christian away from grace. We all need money, but the love of God should be supreme in our heart.


Heb 4:14 –16, 2 Cor. 10:3-5. 
The devil seeks to bring the believer down he can however be solidly resisted through prayers.


I Kings 11: 4, John 18: 17, 25. I Cor. 15: 33, Prov. 13:20. 
Sin is contagious. If you associate with the wicked, you may soon learn their wicked acts. Evil companionship pollutes good men.

5.      FEAR OF MAN. 

Matt 26:70 – 74. 
Fear of persecution, attack, and parental rejection is another causes of backsliding that has made many to look back into the world.

Recommended Reading
Evangelism And Follow-Up: A Call To Witness And Nurture
Twenty Guidelines For A Happy Marriage


Luke 15: 12 -1 3. 
When a Christian begins to think that no one can really direct his life, when he begins to think he is mature enough to be independent without spiritual supervision, he is in for a fall.


(a) Failure to read the Bible for spiritual instruction. John 5:39, 2 Tim 2:15.
(b) Lack of spiritual growth. Once there is no growth, there will be death. There must be concrete attempt at spiritual growth.
(c) Failure to maintain quiet time. Quite time is necessary to receive daily strength and guidance. Without it becomes easily to enter into the devil’s trap.
(d) Forsaking church attendance (Heb 10:25). There is a power obtainable from corporate worship, without it the Christian life become dull.
(e) Not having spiritual partners – when you walk alone you.
suffer alone. You need spiritual partners of the same sex to pray and share together. Ecc. 4:9-12
(f) Disobedience to the spirit of God.
Please take note that when causes are taken care of curse will not come.