Christian giving is one of the most important teachings we need to understand. It is an expression of love and a show of obedience and submission. Money is important in the life of every individual and every church.

1. Obedience to Biblical Teaching:
The Bible strongly encourages Christian giving. For example, in 2 Corinthians 9:7, it is said: Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
2. Acknowledging God as the Source:
When Christians give, they acknowledge that everything they have comes from God. This fosters an attitude of humility and gratitude, while reinforcing the understanding that they are stewards, not owners, of their possessions.
3. Support Church Activities and Ministries:
The church needs financial resources to carry out its ministries, maintain its operations, and provide assistance to the needy. Tithes and offerings play a significant role in supporting these endeavors.
4. Spread the Gospel:
Giving provides resources for the church to spread the Gospel message to local communities and across the globe. This helps to fulfil the Great Commission – the instruction of Jesus to his disciples to spread his teachings to all nations of the world.
5. To Express Love and Devotion:
Giving is one of the ways believers can show their love and devotion to God. It’s an act of worship, symbolizing the giver’s trust in God’s provision and abundance.
6. Encouraging Generosity:
By giving to the church, believers learn the importance of generosity. It creates a culture of giving that extends beyond the church into every aspect of life, inspiring others to be generous in return.
7. God’s Promise of Blessing:
Christian giving is also linked to the principle of sowing and reaping, a concept mentioned in the Bible in 2 Corinthians 9:6, which says: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. By giving, Christians believe they open the door to blessings and abundance in their lives.
Recommended Reading
10 Lessons From The Life Of Elijah
10 Habits Of Highly Effective Christians
1. Tithing:
This is giving 10% of one’s income or profit to the church or religious organization. It’s derived from the Old Testament law where Israelites were instructed to give 10% of their crops or livestock to the church. Jesus did not condemn it rather He saw it as what must be done in righteousness. Mat 23:23, Leviticus 27:30, Genesis 14:19-20
2. Offering:
This is the general giving done regularly when Christians appear before God for worship. It is expected to be done cheerfully and purposefully. Though there is no rule concerning this, we should know that God is not asking for our remnant but our treasures.
3. Alms-giving:
This type of giving is directed towards helping the needy or poor. It could be in the form of money, food, clothing, or any other type of necessary help. It is a compassionate response to human need, encouraging humility and sacrifice. It can be done in or out of the church. But giving to the poor IN THE CHURCH is more rewarding Gal.6:10
5. Promise Giving:
This is when Christians make a promise to give a specific amount of money over a period of time to a certain cause, usually missions, trusting God to provide the resources. It can also be called planned giving. Its not a vow because it’s not attached to anything directly
6. Vow:
This is similar to promise giving but its usually tied to what one is expecting from God. It is usually done to provoke divine interventions and secure uncommon blessings Deut. 23:21-23
6. Sacrificial Giving:
This involves giving that actually costs the giver in terms of their comfort or lifestyle. It goes beyond merely giving out of surplus. This type of giving is often prompted by a specific need or crisis, such as a natural disaster or an urgent need within the church community. Solomon gave sacrificially and was rewarded greatly
7. Prophet Offerings:
This refers special offerings packaged by Christians for their pastor/pastors to provoke special blessings from their heart. It could be done regularly or periodically
8. Project Offering:
This speaks of special giving toward a specific project in or out of the Church. It is done according to individuals financial strenght. 1Cor.16:2
8. Seed:
This is like a vow but it is laid down before you receive what you are expecting. Its like physically sowing a seed and expecting your harvest 2 Corinthians 9:10, Gen.8:22
9. Legacy Giving:
This type of giving happens when Christians decide to leave a portion of their estate to the church or a Christian organization in their will. This may also involve setting up a trust fund or scholarship in their name to continue supporting the Christian mission even after they’re gone.
These different types of Christian giving aren’t mutually exclusive. Christians are encouraged to participate in all types of giving as they’re able and moved by the Holy Spirit.